Thursday, September 20, 2012

I Am One of the 47% and I'm Pissed Off!

I sometimes like to peruse other blog links from blogs I read daily. Today, I stumbled on a blog (Brilliant at Breakfast) of a woman who has posted about the now infamous video of Romney telling his (millionaire) donors what he really thinks of 47% of Americans.  I have been struggling with whether or not to post my own opinion of this obnoxious, piece of shit man who wants to become our President, but instead, I will link to this post that sums up how I (and probably 47% of Americans) feel very adequately.  Thanks to Jill! 

Greetings from one of the people Willard Rmoney just labeled a moocher:  here

Sidenote: I have always paid my taxes, I do not feel that I am a victim, I am not "dependent" on the government and I do not believe the government has a responsibility to take care of me, but I do feel the government has the responsibility of taking care of our country as a whole (I mean, isn't that really what the elected American government is actually for?) and not just the wealthy people that Williard wants to represent...VOTE OBAMA!

1 comment:

  1. as one of the long term unemployed now happily working my butt off...To Willard, in more than 4 yrs of no work, NOT ONCE did I apply for, or think about applying for the options open to me. am flat broke now, but have my self esteem intact...good thing you started life with millions at your disposal...piss off!!
