Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Pleasures Of Sneezing. Umm, Not So Much...

intr.v. sneezed, sneez·ing, sneez·es
To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane.

Sneezing – An Orgasm of the Face
(An article taken from the Universal College of Reflexology)

People sneeze very suddenly in response to emotions as well as to physical causes like colds, allergies or pepper.

The sneeze has been called an orgasm of the face. An expected sneeze is often an indication of having encountered an unexpected pleasure. Once you experience it, you become aware of the sneeze-pleasure connection and you are ready to welcome it back. The widespread practice of taking snuff was hugely popular in the 17th, 18th and well into the 19th centuries.

Not only humans sneeze to express pleasure, other animals do as well. Dogs and cats sneeze to show happiness when shown extra attention. Horses sneeze as well. When you sneeze look for a good feeling first rather than assuming that you are coming down with something.

People are known to sneeze during the initial phases of sexual arousal. Others will walk out of a dark building into brilliant sunshine and sneeze. This is sometimes called a sun allergy, but it is more likely to be a response to the pleasure they experience from the warmth and light of the sun. The pleasurable effects of bright light have been well documented to improve both mood and productivity.

Sneezes are worth noting. They mean that there is a good feeling nearby, waiting to be acknowledged and if at all possible – prolonged

As a chronic sneezer (allergies), I gotta say, I do not sit in anticipation of my next sneeze, relishing the idea that I will feel wonderful or sexually aroused when it happens.  I don’t feel “orgasmic” in my face (or anywhere else for that matter) when I sneeze.  I do get a feeling “down there,” after my 4th, 5th, or even 6th successive sneeze... it’s one of having to rush off to the restroom so I don’t pee my pants… that’s such a good feeling waiting to be acknowledged…or sometimes not waiting to be acknowledged. Ha!  Should we really think the widespread practice of taking snuff was to put it into the nose just to sneeze it back out?   I suppose cocaine users snort cocaine up their noses just to feel the rush of the sneeze too. Yeah, right!  So, to the good people at the Universal College of Reflexology, here’s something worth noting – you guys are absurd!  And that’s nothing to sneeze at!