Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy 21st

I have officially been at my job for 21 years now so I wonder if that makes it legal for me to drink there. (I wish)!  I have so many reasons to like being in my job, but many more for hating it.  Through the outsourcings and the idiots who pretend they know how to manage the facility, things have become very different...and while I'm not against change, I have absolutely hated the changes that have occured in the last year or so.  I could probably write a book, but that would be a really, really long book. So while I churn and burn inside, I mostly keep it to myself save for the few unfortunate souls who allow me to vent at them.  Thanks you guys!  Anyway, I wish I could say I'm on to bigger and better things, but I'll continue on for now and say to myself, "Happy Fucking Anniversary!"

1 comment:

  1. Karma will catch up with them!! I just hope you're there to witness the carnage! Best part is, they absolutely believe they are worthy!! Lol! We know who runs the efficient & productive end of things...they have proven time & again aren't smart enough. Remember, you haven't let them change in you the most basic parts of who you are! Keep up the good fight!!
