Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Change In Our Lives

My step-son and his wife are getting divorced.  I have been keeping (mostly) quiet about it because it saddens me and I was hoping for the chance of a reconciliation.  I suppose it was inevitable based on what was observed during the occasional times we would be able to get together.  They live in Florida so those visits were far and few between, but sometimes you just "know."  Neither E nor myself have pryed into reasons or have asked for much information at all.  It just is what it is.  I was concerned about the line of communication since P (son) is not one for being very forthright with information nor is he very good with maintaining communication at all.  Pictures and info for the most part came from T (wife).  I have been very grateful to her for keeping that line of communication open.  I was worried that that would end with the end of their marriage. I was wrong.  I got a nice fb message from her a couple of days ago stating that she was in no way intending to keep the kids or any part of them from us and that she was grateful for everything we had done for them. What a relief!  I am also grateful (to her) in many ways that I could never begin to explain, but she knows and that is what's important.  We had a very nice talk last night and I came away from that with a lighter heart. I know "words of wisdom" mean very little in certain situations, but I do think she understands that she still has a support system here because she will always be the mother of our grandchildren.  I wish her all the best and thank her for what she has given us.