Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sorta Like On TV, But Not Really

One of the most interesting things to ever have happened to me, happened at work today. I will preface this short story with this...the roof is being replaced at the warehouse which means there are a sundry of construction workers on site in the building and on the roof. Now, back to the story...

My office is the hub of all the activity that goes on during the shipping and receiving process and also where the manufactured dishwashers come over on a conveyor from the plant to be sorted and stored. This requires three towmotor drivers stacking and storing all day. These drivers are bound to break and lunch times aligning with the manufacturing plant's break and lunch times which means they go at staggered times. This is also when J and I take our lunch break. This happens usually between 12:30 and 1:00 pm; however, J and I eat our lunch at our desks in the office. I was heating up my lunch (microwave in office) when the phone rang. I answered it and heard P (she's in the front part of the building in the main office area) tell me she needed me to come up there right away. I noticed a slight sort of urgency in her voice, but I paused anyway and started to say that my lunch was heating up when she said it again, a little more urgently this time. So, in my now panicked state, I jumped on my cart and drove the 1 minute course to the front of the building. It seemed like it took 5 minutes today. My million thoughts as to what could be wrong in that 1 minute trek kept coming back to somebody's dead...don't know who, but somebody must surely be dead. (Nope, nobody died...thankfully and whew)!!! Our supervisor had gone somewhere away from the building, but we have an engineer on site who has his office just inside the door leading to the front office area. P and the engineer pulled me into his office and closed the door. Oh crap, right? Nah...OH, SHIT! Here's what P told me (to the best of my recollection). "There are federal agents in the building and they are here to arrest one of the roofers for armed robbery. We need to get everyone in the conference room right now before the agents will make the arrest. You need to go back to the other end of the building and make sure you get everyone up here quickly...tell them there's an emergency meeting in the conference room or something." In my state of shock, but state of relief that no one was dead, I raced back to the other part of the building and collected J and the two other people out there and we hurried back to the conference room. V was just coming to work and was walking in the door when I got back up front, so I grabbed her and told her to come to the conference room. A few more people wandered in within a couple of minutes and we were all nicely tucked away. C, our manager, came in from outside with a couple of HR people from the plant who were already clued in to the situation and the plan to nab this guy off the roof. They told us we all needed to stay put for safety reasons. (Felt more like easy access to pick us off one by one from a central location if the mood should have struck the roofer). Anyway, the bust went down without a hitch and the bad guy got carted off to jail. Took only about a half hour for the entire process. I wonder why it never happens that fast in the movies or on TV...


  1. Never happened in my life .........

  2. Was pretty bizarre! Have never been on lockdown anywhere ever before this week.
