Saturday, June 2, 2012


I am a fan of the mashup. For those of you who may not know what a mashup is, the explanation is quite simple. A mashup is a song comprised of two or more pre-recorded songs blended to make a new song.  Some artists do it very well while some do not.  One of my favorite mashup artists is Norwegian Recycling.  (His real name is  Frans Peter Bull Enger).  Not only does he excel in the blend of the actual music, but he uses clips of videos from the songs he uses for his mashups.  The end result is something really very cool.  Check out some of his work  here.

My personal favorite is Miracles.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see and know that we "older folks" still know a thing or two about current music styles! Of course, I'm a "Gleek" so I am used to mashups!
